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Movie Summary Billy Elliot Essay Example For Students

Film Summary Billy Elliot Essay Billy Elliot is a British dramatization that is coordinated by Stephen Daldry and composed by Lee Hall. T...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Triangle Fire Essay

Triangle Fire Essay Triangle Fire Essay On a late Saturday afternoon in the year 1911, a horrific fire began at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City in which over a hundred and thirty women died. According to writer, Robert Caro, â€Å"some [women] died of smoke inhalation piled against the doors [from] trying to get out, some were burned to death and some jumped out of the windows;146 young women died [in all]† (Youtube.com, 2011). In the year prior to the fire, the factory workers protested for more sanitary conditions as well as additional safety precautions. With that being said, it took the sight of dead bodies scattered across the sidewalks for safety standards to finally take place. The Triangle Factory had a profound impact on the regulations of private businesses. The newly established laws changed every aspect of the factory environment for the better. If business owners’ had dangerous machinery, it would have to be regulated by the law. Based on the regulations provided by the video, â €Å"women would not be allowed to work more than 54 hours a week† (Youtube.com, 2011). It is against the law to allow a child who is under the age of fourteen to work in a factory. The unfortunate tragedy of the Triangle Factory fire paved the way for safer working conditions across the country. In addition to business officials taking a stand by going to the state legislature and pleading that there needs to be reformed laws so a disaster like the Triangle fire does not repeat itself. Other state representatives such as Charlie Murphy, Al Smith, Robert F. Wagner, and Francis Perkins played important roles as well. Solid changes were made by the government to improve the working conditions of the factory workers. To provide a safe

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blooms Taxonomy - Application Category and Examples

Blooms Taxonomy s Bloom’s Taxonomy  was developed by educational theorist Benjamin Bloom in the 1950s.  The taxonomy, or levels of learning, identify different domains of learning including: cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudes), and psychomotor (skills).   Application Category Description The application level is where the student moves beyond basic comprehension in order to begin to apply what they have learned. Students are expected to use concepts or tools they have learned in new situations in order to show that they can use what they have learned in increasingly complex ways The use of Blooms Taxonomy in planning can help to move students through the different levels of cognitive development. When planning learning outcomes, teachers should reflect on the different levels of learning. Learning increases when students are introduced to course concepts and then given opportunities to practice applying them. When students apply an abstract idea to a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to prior experience, they are showing their level of proficiency at this level. To make sure that students show they can apply what they learn, teachers should:   Provide opportunities for the student to use ideas, theories, or problem-solving techniques and apply them to new situations. Review the student’s work to ensure that he/she is using problem-solving techniques independently. Provide questions that require the student to define and solve problems. Key Verbs in the Application Category apply. build, calculate, change, choose, classify, construct, complete, demonstrate,  develop, examine, illustrate, interpret, interview, make, make use of, manipulate, modify, organize, experiment with, plan, produce, select, show,  solve, translate, utilize, model, use. Examples of Question Stems for the Application Category These question stems will help teachers develop assessments that allow students to solve problems in situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques, and rules, perhaps in a different way. How would you make use of ____?How does ____ apply to ____?How would you modify ____?What approach would you use to†¦?Could this have happened in...?Under what conditions would you ____?How could you apply what you have read to construct ____?Do you know another instance where...?Can you group by characteristics such as...?Identify the results if ____?Why does ____ work?What questions would you ask for...?How would you use the facts to investigate ____?Using what you know, how would you design ____?Utilize ____ to ____.Illustrate a way to ____.What elements would you use to change†¦?Is there a way to demonstrate ____?What questions would you ask during ________?Predict what would happen if ____?How would you organize _______ to show†¦?What would result if ____?Is there another way you could plan to†¦?What facts would you select to show†¦?Would this information be useful if you had...?Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own...?Show me a wa y to organize ____.Can you make use of the facts to†¦? Using what you have learned, how would you solve ____?What factors would you change if...? From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about...?How would you solve ___ using what you’ve learned†¦?How would you show your understanding of†¦?What examples can you find to†¦?How would you apply what you learned to develop†¦? Examples of Assessments That Are Based onthe Application Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy The category of application  is the third level of the Bloom’s taxonomy pyramid. Because it is just above the comprehension level, many teachers use the level of application  in performance-based activities such as those listed below.   Make a storyboard for a film on a book you are reading.Create a script from the book you are reading now; act out a part of the story.Plan a party that one of the main characters would enjoy attending: plan the menu, and activities or games you want to have at the party.Create a scenario in which a character in the story reacts to a problem in your school; write about how he or she would handle the situation differently.Reimagine the characters in a story as a human, animal, or thing.Teleport (space travel) the main character to a new setting.(Re)write lyrics to a ballad for a story you are reading.Construct a model to demonstrate how it will work.Create a diorama to illustrate an important event.Make a yearbook entry for a character you are studying.Stage a tableau of a famous event.Invite famous people to an imaginary dinner and create the seating plan.Make up a board game using the ideas from the study area.Design a market strategy for a character doll.  Create a brochure for a country. Write a textbook about... for others.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Thinking about the Viet Nam Conflict Research Paper

Critical Thinking about the Viet Nam Conflict - Research Paper Example The American diplomats were so convinced of their supremacy of war power that they completely failed to look at the other side of the coin. As a result of poor planning and failed execution of the projected estimates, the American Culture received shocks and trauma that still haunt them even after so many years. Post the wars, thousands of families were affected, having lost husbands, sons, and daughters. People were left homeless and struggled to meets ends; the scars left on the society were so deep that not only the physical trauma was evident but the emotional stress was high enough for them to start doubting the bureaucrats’ intentions and integrity. The United States had a firm belief that communism anywhere would be a threat and they had a clear thought that they would do everything to curb and eradicate communism. United States were not involved in the Vietnam conflict directly until they felt it was absolutely necessary to continue their fight against communism. Befor e losing out on the World War II, France ruled Vietnam and Vietnam became independent but French were unwilling to let it go without a battle, which eventually led to the The Battle of Dien Bien Phu. France lost the battle, post which it was decided that France and Vietnam would sign a treaty in the Geneva Convention on 1954 to settle for peace. It was agreed that Vietnam would be divided into North and South states on th 17th parallel with communist Vietminh ruling the North and Bao Dai ruling the South Vietnam for two years. The agreement was that presidential elections would be held in 1956 to decide the future course of action but things did not went as planned. The National Liberation Front started communism in the South Vietnam and started anti Diem practices. United States was in full support of the new ruler of the South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem and decided to intervene to ensure that another communist country does not come up. John F. Kennedy made up his mind to completely ta ke sides and prove the supremacy of America by signing a treaty with South Vietnam to extend economical and military help (Lawrence, 2010). United States even helped the South Vietnam in creating Army Republic of Vietnam in the hope that the unit will fight the communists from North and keep the country free from communism. Despite many efforts from America, Sout continued to face defeats on many levels of the dispute. Despite several efforts of United States, it so happened that the South Vietnam went on to face several defeats from Guerrillas and communism was threatening to prevail in the country. Meanwhile, America’s attention was divided in several other major happenings taking place around the world, especially in the Indochina region. But, it was high time that U.S. played direct and more active role to curb out the communism from Vietnam or so they thought. The Truman Doctrine that was originally designed to be made applicable in Europe and Middle East was then being adopted in Vietnam conflict due to the belief that if Communists were not destroyed; communism would soon engulf the concerned Asian region (Westheider, 2007). John F. Kennedy, who took the office in 1961 was of the opinion that there were other major issues than Vietnam and he only increased the U.S. aid at the insistence of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assignment as an essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

As an essay - Assignment Example ntesting states, international custom practices considered as law, and judicial decisions and teachings of qualified publicists in the different nations. The norms surrounding international laws are the principles and rules that apply to international law. This term is not common in international court systems though it can still be used to refer to principles and rules. There are seven principles of international law. They are borrowed from domestic law because international law is not developed and is mostly patchy (Aust 6). In reference to international law, the US violated the sixth principle. According to the principle, it is unlawful any person to plan, prepare, initiate, or wage a war in aggression in international agreements, treaties, or insurances. Subordination as applies to law is a situation where one principle overrides the other and nullifies the outcomes set by the principle seen to be weaker. Such a scenario is not legible in international law as all principles are w ell phrased to defend themselves in all situations (Aust 9). Territory acquisition in international law is achieved through a number of ways, which were set initially by ancient traditional laws (Aust 33). The first way is discovery. In this case, a country must be the first one to identify a territory that is not owned by any other state and it should perform symbolic acts like planting a flag to show official acquisition. Another method is conquest and annexation (Aust 36). It involves a forceful invasion of a state into a territory that is not theirs and demand ownership. It might include war and struggles and if the invading country wins, it takes over the territory. Another method used in acquisition is cession. It involves the voluntary giving up of a territory by a country. In such a case, another country can easily take over the territory. Another way of territory acquisition is occupation and prescription. This is where a sovereign state is already in ownership or control of a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Managing Information Technology Essay Example for Free

Managing Information Technology Essay Question #1: What would be your prioritized list of IT investments? Four IT investments need to be prioritized; 1. 2. 3. 4. Ecommerce Web sales Aligning the various systems (legacy, SAP, ERP) together. Hire relationship managers Make IT a â€Å"partner† 1. After only 3 years, KL’s Web sales have reached $156M, equalizing its in store sales, and now represent 15% of total sales. This is very encouraging and exciting. KL needs to continue to invest in Ecommerce Web sales in order to continue this great growth. Selling via the Internet should be a priority because it’s cheaper than your ordinary brick and mortar sales points, there is less overhead expense, and this market is growing exponentially. The company should work towards gaining the most market share possible developing an industry leading website, timely and dependable delivery, and customer service. Accomplishing the above means getting all the company sharing information and data more efficiently (see point #2). 2. KL has a complex IT infrastructure with various systems in use around the world. The result is a frustrated bunch of employees upset with the fact that communication data sharing is awful. To remedy this the company needs to invest more in training to get the whole company, including the USA, to use SAP as soon as possible. 3. Assign/hire relationship managers to improve information sharing, facilitate plans, priorities, communications, and relationships, and in turn get the whole system to work together. 4. To avoid such problems in the future, KL needs to make IT a â€Å"partner† in the decision making process. In other words, the company needs to better involve IT in company strategy and tactical planning. With the IT team, the company needs to develop and define an Enterprise Operating Model and Architecture that include business strategy, current IT assessment, IT strategy and IT plans. Question #2: Would your colleagues on the executive committee agree with your selection and prioritization? The above priorities should be well received because they solve or improve many of the frustrating employees around the company. This answer will look at each division (upper management, sales marketing, order fulfillment and distribution, and ITS) and see why the four IT priorities should be well received by the executive committee. The KL upper management is on record stating that the company has IT challenges â€Å"†¦around coordinating the various, and at times conflicting, business priorities across the enterprise. We sure could use better IT tools for this as well as ready access to timely performance data.†, CEO Joseph Campbell. In addition, COO Jens McCreary stated that the company needs to improve global supply-chain management and leverage the expertise to outpace out competitors and cut our operating costs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Considering these quotes it’s safe to assume that the CEO and COO should be accepting of these four IT priorities because will want to see IT provide better services in order to reach their goals. The products, manufacturing and distribution divisions of the company want to see SAP standardized and compatible across the company in order to better share information. Priorities #2 and 3 should please this division. Sales marketing hope to see inter-operating unit and communications and coordination issues to be resolved and they need real-time data. Priorities #1, 2 and 3 should encourage the sales and marketing team. The order fulfillment and distribution divisions need capabilities to forecast sales and manage our product and cash flows need to be more competitive. They want to be able to deliver in a J.I.T. basis (optimize effectiveness) and have data integration between the legacy systems, SAP, Oracle, etc. These issues should improve with priorities #2 and 3 and this making these priorities acceptable to this division. Finally, the information technology services (ITS) claim that not spending enough on IT (more spent on production and sales), and Web and ecommerce should be priority. Priorities 1 to 4 all favor the ITS team, and therefore should be well received.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Event that Defines Me Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

An Event that Defines Me There really is no particular event in my life that I can say defines me. Though there are a series of events that has shaped me into the person that I am today. The events that have defined my life have been trials that have tested my integrity and my faith. I have stumbled and fallen but have gotten up time and time again to only go further than before. There have been walls and obstacles that have kept me from being an individual that values higher education. During my high school career I never thought that I would have attended a university or even a community college. I never thought of the concept of higher education though I was pushed by my parents to attend college I never had it in my plans to go to college. Never the less I was given good advice from friends and family telling me that a college education would be the best for me. Without a degree I was certain not to achieve either financial success or career security. While in high school the only thing on my mind was to join the United States Army. Since almost half of my family was either in the military or in prison, I chose to go the path of the military. I was an outstand cadet in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp. I had many decorations and medals that boasted my achievements of scholarship, integrity, loyalty, and leadership ability. It seemed that I was almost destined to become a United States Soldier. School was an easy thing for me, I floated through courses and could have graduated a year early but didn’t cause I wanted to walk with my class. I had lots of things going for me even applying to West Point Military Academy. Unfortunately I never was accepted to at... ... later I received a call from the same recruiter, â€Å"Chris, guess what? We have a position that opened up in military intelligence.† He said. â€Å"No, Thanks. I’m going to college.† These series of events have a significant value to me, there has never been a family member in either both sides attended a community college or a university. I am the first one and I never knew how to get here but with the help of my family and friends I have accomplished something that never has been accomplished by anyone close to me. I feel everyone looking at me and wondering if I will succeed or fail. Since I have been in College I have done my job. I have interned for Senator Jon Kyl, worked for Latino Vote Project, and helped out on campaigns. And due to these accomplishments my views have changed about the military and made me more humble and wise towards other issues.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 14

FOURTEEN TWO GUYS I'D NEVER MET before were squaring off against each other. They looked to be in their twenties, and neither noticed me. The one who'd bumped into me shoved the other one hard, forcing him to stagger back considerably. â€Å"You're afraid!† yelled the guy by me. He had on green swimming trunks, and his black hair was slicked back with water. â€Å"You're all afraid. You just want to hole up in your mansions and let the guardians do your dirty work. What are you going to do when they're all dead? Who'll protect you then?† The other guy wiped the blood off his face with the back of his hand. I suddenly recognized him- thanks to his blond highlights. He was the royal who'd yelled at Tasha about wanting to lead Moroi to battle. She'd called him Andrew. He tried to land a hit and failed; his technique was all wrong. â€Å"This is the safest way. Listen to that Strigoi-lover, and we'll all be dead. She's trying to kill our whole race off!† â€Å"She's trying to save us!† â€Å"She's trying to get us to use black magic!† The â€Å"Strigoi-lover† had to be Tasha. The non-royal guy was the first person outside of my little circle whom I'd ever heard speak in her favor. I wondered how many others out there shared his view. He punched Andrew again, and my base instincts- or maybe the punch- made me leap into action. I sprang forward and wedged myself between them. I was still dizzy and a bit unsteady. If they hadn't been standing so close, I probably would have fallen over. They both hesitated, clearly caught off guard. â€Å"Get out of here,† snapped Andrew. Being male and Moroi, they had greater height and weight than I, but I was probably stronger than either one alone. Hoping I could make the most of that, I grabbed each of them by the arm, pulled them toward me, and then shoved them away as hard as I could. They staggered, not having expected my strength. I staggered a little too. The non-royal glared and took a step toward me. I was counting on the fact that he'd be old-fashioned and not hit a girl. â€Å"What are you doing?† he exclaimed. Several people had gathered and were watching excitedly. I returned his glare. â€Å"I'm trying to stop you guys from being any more idiotic than you already are! You want to help? Stop fighting each other! Ripping each other's heads off isn't going to save the Moroi unless you're trying to thin stupidity out of the gene pool.† I pointed at Andrew. â€Å"Tasha Ozera is not trying to kill everyone off. She's trying to get you to stop being a victim.† I turned to the other guy. â€Å"And as for you, you've got a long ways to go if you think this is the way to get your point across. Magic- especially offensive magic- takes a lot of self-control, and so far, you aren't impressing me with yours. I have more than you do, and if you knew me at all, you'd know how crazy that is.† The two guys stared at me, stunned. I was apparently more effective than a taser. Well, at least for several seconds I was. Because once the shock of my words wore off, they went at each other again. I got caught in the crossfire and shoved away, nearly falling in the process. Suddenly, from behind me, Mason came to my defense. He punched the first guy he could- the non-royal. The guy flew backward, falling into one of the pools with a splash. I yelped, remembering my earlier fear about skull-cracking, but a moment later, he found his feet and rubbed water out of his eyes. I grabbed Mason's arm, trying to hold him back, but he shrugged me off and went after Andrew. He shoved Andrew hard, pushing him into several Moroi- andrew's friends, I suspected- who seemed to be trying to break up the fight. The guy in the pool climbed out, fury written all over his face, and made moves toward Andrew. This time, both Mason and I blocked his way. He glared at all of us. â€Å"Don't,† I warned him. The guy clenched his fists and looked as though he might try to take us on. But we were intimidating, and he didn't appear to have an entourage of friends here like Andrew- who was shouting obscenities and being led away- did. With a few muttered threats, the non-royal backed off. As soon as he was gone, I turned on Mason. â€Å"Are you out of your mind?† â€Å"Huh?† he asked. â€Å"Jumping into the middle of that!† â€Å"You jumped in too,† he said. I started to argue, then realized he was right. â€Å"It's different,† I grumbled. He leaned forward. â€Å"Are you drunk?† â€Å"No. Of course not. I'm just trying to keep you from doing something stupid. Just because you have delusions of being able to kill a Strigoi doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else.† â€Å"Delusions?† he asked stiffly. I started to feel kind of nauseous just then. My head spinning, I continued toward the side room, hoping I didn't stumble. But when I reached it, I saw that it wasn't some kind of dessert or drink room after all. Well, at least not in the way I'd been thinking. It was a feeder room. Several humans reclined on satin-covered chaise lounges with Moroi by their sides. Jasmine incense burned in the air. Stunned, I watched with an eerie fascination as a blond Moroi guy leaned forward and bit into the neck of a very pretty redhead. All of these feeders were exceptionally good-looking, I realized just then. Like actresses or models. Only the best for royalty. The guy drank long and deep, and the girl closed her eyes and parted her lips, an expression of pure bliss on her face as Moroi endorphins flooded into her bloodstream. I shivered, taken back to when I too had experienced that same kind of euphoria. In my alcohol-hazed mind, the whole thing suddenly seemed startlingly erotic. In fact, I almost felt intrusive- like I was watching people have sex. When the Moroi finished and licked the last of the blood away, he brushed his lips against her cheek in a soft kiss. â€Å"Want to volunteer?† Light fingertips brushed my neck, and I jumped. I turned around and saw Adrian's green eyes and knowing smirk. â€Å"Don't do that,† I told him, knocking his hand away. â€Å"Then what are you doing in here?† he asked. I gestured around me. â€Å"I'm lost.† He peered at me. â€Å"Are you drunk?† â€Å"No. Of course not†¦but †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The nausea had settled a little, but I still didn't feel right. â€Å"I think I should sit down.† He took my arm. â€Å"Well, don't do it in here. Someone might get the wrong idea. Let's go somewhere quiet.† He steered me off into a different room, and I looked around with interest. It was a massage area. Several Moroi lay back on tables and were getting back and foot massages from hotel staff. The oil they used smelled like rosemary and lavender. Under any other circumstances, a massage would have sounded great, but lying on my stomach seemed like the worst idea just now. I sat down on the carpeted floor, leaning back against the wall. Adrian walked away and returned with a glass of water. Sitting down as well, he handed it to me. â€Å"Drink this. It'll help.† â€Å"I told you, I'm not drunk,† I mumbled. But I downed the water anyway. â€Å"Uh-huh.† He smiled at me. â€Å"You did nice work with that fight. Who was the other guy that helped you?† â€Å"My boyfriend,† I said. â€Å"Sort of.† â€Å"Mia was right. You do have a lot of guys in your life.† â€Å"It's not like that.† â€Å"Okay.† He was still smiling. â€Å"Where's Vasilisa? I figured she'd be attached to you.† â€Å"She's with her boyfriend.† I studied him. â€Å"What's with the tone? Jealous? You want him for yourself?† â€Å"God, no. I just don't like him.† â€Å"Does he treat her badly?† he asked. â€Å"No,† I admitted. â€Å"He adores her. He's just kind of a jerk.† Adrian was clearly enjoying this. â€Å"Ah, you are jealous. Does she spend more time with him than you?† I ignored that. â€Å"Why do you keep asking about her? Are you interested in her?† He laughed. â€Å"Rest easy, I'm not interested in her in the same way I am you.† â€Å"But you are interested.† â€Å"I just want to talk to her.† He left to fetch me more water. â€Å"Feeling better?† he asked, handing the glass to me. It was crystal and intricately carved. It seemed too fancy for plain water. â€Å"Yeah †¦ I didn't think those drinks were that strong.† â€Å"That's the beauty of them,† he chuckled. â€Å"And speaking of beauty †¦ that's a great color on you.† I shifted. I might not have been showing as much skin as those other girls, but I was showing more than I really wanted to with Adrian. Or was I? There was something weird about him. His arrogant manner annoyed me†¦but I still liked being around him. Maybe the smartass in me recognized a kindred spirit. Somewhere in the back of my drunken mind, a light clicked on. But I couldn't quite get to it. I drank more water. â€Å"You haven't had a cigarette in, like, ten minutes,† I pointed out, wanting to change the subject. He made a face. â€Å"No smoking in here.† â€Å"I'm sure you've made up for it in punch.† His smile returned. â€Å"Well, some of us can hold our liquor. You aren't going to be sick, are you?† I still felt tipsy but no longer nauseous. â€Å"No.† â€Å"Good.† I thought back to when I'd dreamed about him. It had been just a dream, but it had stuck with me, particularly the talk about me being surrounded in darkness. I wanted to ask him about it†¦ even though I knew it was stupid. It had been my dream, not his. â€Å"Adrian†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He turned his green eyes on me. â€Å"Yes, darling?† I couldn't bring myself to ask. â€Å"Never mind.† He started to retort, then tilted his head toward the door. â€Å"Ah, here she comes.† â€Å"Who- â€Å" Lissa stepped into the room, eyes scanning around. When she spotted us, I saw relief break over her. I couldn't feel it, though. Intoxicants like alcohol numbed the bond. It was another reason I shouldn't have taken such a stupid chance tonight. â€Å"There you are,† she said, kneeling beside me. Glancing at Adrian, she gave him a nod. â€Å"Hey.† â€Å"Hey yourself, cousin,† he returned, using the family terms royals sometimes used around each other. â€Å"You okay?† Lissa asked me. â€Å"When I saw how drunk you were, I thought you might have fallen in somewhere and drowned.† â€Å"I'm not- † I gave up trying to deny it. â€Å"I'm fine.† Adrian's usual expression had turned serious as he studied Lissa. It again reminded me of the dream. â€Å"How'd you find her?† Lissa gave him a puzzled look. â€Å"I, um, checked all the rooms.† â€Å"Oh.† He looked disappointed. â€Å"I thought you might have used your bond.† Both she and I stared. â€Å"How do you know about that?† I demanded. Only a few people at school knew about it. Adrian had spoken about it as casually as he might have my hair color. â€Å"Hey, I can't reveal all my secrets, can I?† he asked mysteriously. â€Å"And besides, there's a certain way you two act around each other †¦ it's hard to explain. It's pretty cool†¦ all the old myths are true.† Lissa regarded him warily. â€Å"The bond only works one way. Rose can sense what I'm feeling and thinking, but I can't do it back to her.† â€Å"Ah.† We sat in silence a few moments, and I drank more water. Adrian spoke again. â€Å"What'd you specialize in anyway, cousin?† She looked embarrassed. We both knew it was important to keep her spirit powers secret from others who might abuse her healing, but her cover story of not having specialized always bothered her. â€Å"I haven't,† she said. â€Å"Do they think you're going to? Late bloomer?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"You're probably higher in the other elements, though, right? Just not strong enough to really master any?† He reached out to pat her shoulder in an exaggerated show of comfort. â€Å"Yeah, how'd you- â€Å" The instant his fingers touched her, she gasped. It was as though a bolt of lightning had struck her. The strangest look crossed her face. Even drunk, I felt the flood of joy that came pouring through the bond. She stared at Adrian in wonder. His eyes were locked onto hers too. I didn't understand why they were looking at each other like that, but it bothered me. â€Å"Hey,† I said. â€Å"Stop that. I told you, she has a boyfriend.† â€Å"I know,† he said, still watching her. A small smile turned his lips. â€Å"We need to have a chat someday, cousin.† â€Å"Yes,† she agreed. â€Å"Hey.† I was more confused than ever. â€Å"You have a boyfriend. And there he is.† She blinked back to reality. All three of us turned toward the doorway. Christian and the others stood there. I suddenly had a flashback to when they'd found me with Adrian's arm around me. This wasn't much better. Lissa and I were sitting on either side of him, very close. She sprang up, looking mildly guilty. Christian was regarding her curiously. â€Å"We're getting ready to leave,† he said. â€Å"Okay,† she told him. She looked down at me. â€Å"Ready?† I nodded and started to clamber to my feet. Adrian caught my arm as I did and helped me up. He smiled at Lissa. â€Å"Nice talking to you.† To me, he murmured very quietly, â€Å"Don't worry. I told you, I'm not interested in her in that way. She doesn't look as good in a bathing suit. Probably not as good out of one either.† I pulled my arm away. â€Å"Well, you'll never find out.† â€Å"It's okay,† he said. â€Å"I have a good imagination.† I joined the others, and we headed back toward the main part of the lodge. Mason gave me as strange a look as Christian had given Lissa and stayed away from me, walking toward the front with Eddie. To my surprise and discomfort, I found myself walking beside Mia. She looked miserable. â€Å"I†¦ I'm really sorry about what happened,† I said finally. â€Å"You don't have to act like you care, Rose.† â€Å"No, no. I mean it. It's horrible†¦I'm so sorry.† She wouldn't look at me. â€Å"Is†¦that is, are you going to see your dad soon?† â€Å"Whenever they have the memorial,† she said stiffly. â€Å"Oh.† I didn't know what else to say and gave up, instead turning my attention to the stairs as we climbed back up to the lodge's main level. Unexpectedly, Mia was the one who continued the conversation. â€Å"I watched you break up that fight †¦Ã¢â‚¬  she said slowly. â€Å"You mentioned offensive magic. Like you knew about it.† Oh. Great. She was going to make a play at blackmail†¦or was she? At the moment, she seemed almost civil. â€Å"I was just guessing,† I said. No way was I going to bust Tasha and Christian. â€Å"I don't really know that much. Just stories I've heard.† â€Å"Oh.† Her face fell. â€Å"What kind of stories?† â€Å"Um, well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I tried to think of something neither too vague nor too specific. â€Å"Like I told those guys†¦the concentration thing is big. Because if you're in a battle with Strigoi, all sorts of things can distract you. So you've got to keep control.† That was actually a basic guardian rule, but it must have been new to Mia. Her eyes widened with eagerness. â€Å"What else? What kind of spells do people use?† I shook my head. â€Å"I don't know. I don't really even know how spells work, and like I said, these are just†¦stories I've heard. My guess is you just find ways to use your element as a weapon. Like †¦ fire users really have an advantage because fire'll kill Strigoi, so it's easy for them. And air users can suffocate people.† I'd actually experienced that last one vicariously through Lissa. It had been horrible. Mia's eyes grew wider still. â€Å"What about a water user?† she asked. â€Å"How could water hurt a Strigoi?† I paused. â€Å"I, uh, never heard any stories about water users. Sorry.† â€Å"Do you have any ideas, though? Ways that, like, someone like me could learn to fight?† Ah. So that's what this was about. It actually wasn't all that crazy. I remembered how excited she'd looked at the meeting when Tasha had talked about attacking Strigoi. Mia wanted to take revenge on the Strigoi for her mother's death. No wonder she and Mason had been getting along so well. â€Å"Mia,† I said gently, catching hold of the door to let her pass. We were almost at the lobby now. â€Å"I know how you must want to †¦ do something. But I think you're better off just sort of letting yourself, um, grieve.† She reddened, and suddenly, I was seeing the normal and angry Mia. â€Å"Don't talk down to me,† she said. â€Å"Hey, I'm not. I'm serious. I'm just saying you shouldn't do anything rash while you're still upset. Besides †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I bit off my words. She narrowed her eyes. â€Å"What?† Screw it. She needed to know. â€Å"Well, I don't really know what good a water user would be against a Strigoi. It's probably the least useful element to use on one of them.† Outrage filled her features. â€Å"You're a real bitch, you know that?† â€Å"I'm just telling you the truth.† â€Å"Well, let me tell you the truth. You're a total idiot when it comes to guys.† I thought about Dimitri. She wasn't entirely off base. â€Å"Mason's great,† she continued. â€Å"One of the nicest guys I know- and you don't even notice! He'd do anything for you, and you were off throwing yourself at Adrian Ivashkov.† Her words surprised me. Could Mia have a crush on Mason? And while I certainly hadn't been throwing myself at Adrian, I could see how it might have looked that way. And even if it weren't true, that wouldn't have stopped Mason from feeling hurt and betrayed. â€Å"You're right,† I said. Mia stared at me, so astonished I'd agreed with her that she didn't say anything else for the rest of the walk. We reached the part of the lodge that split off into different wings for guys and girls. I grabbed a hold of Mason's arm as the others walked off. â€Å"Hang on,† I told him. I badly needed to reassure him about Adrian, but a tiny part of me wondered if I was doing it because I actually wanted Mason or because I just liked the idea of him wanting me and selfishly didn't want to lose that. He stopped and looked at me. His face was wary. â€Å"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you after the fight- I know you were just trying to help. And with Adrian†¦nothing happened. I mean it.† â€Å"It didn't look that way,† Mason said. But the anger on his face had faded. â€Å"I know, but believe me, it's all him. He's got some kind of stupid crush on me.† My tone must have been convincing because Mason smiled. â€Å"Well. Hard not to.† â€Å"I'm not interested in him,† I continued. â€Å"Or anyone else.† It was a small lie, but I didn't think it mattered just then. I was going to be over Dimitri soon, and Mia had been right about Mason. He was wonderful and sweet and cute. I would be an idiot not to pursue this †¦ right? My hand was still on his arm, and I pulled him toward me. He didn't need much more of a signal. He leaned down and kissed me, and in the process, I found myself pressed up against the wall- very much like with Dimitri in the practice room. Of course, it felt nothing like how it had with Dimitri, but it was still nice in its way. I put my arms around Mason and started to pull him closer. â€Å"We could go †¦ somewhere,† I said. He pushed back and laughed. â€Å"Not when you're drunk.† â€Å"I'm not†¦ that†¦ drunk anymore,† I said, trying to pull him back. Giving me a small kiss on the lips, he stepped back. â€Å"Drunk enough. Look, this isn't easy, believe me. But if you still want me tomorrow- when you're sober- then we'll talk.† He leaned down and kissed me again. I tried to wrap my arms around him, but he broke away once more. â€Å"Easy there, girl,† he teased, backing toward his hallway. I glared at him, but he only laughed and turned around. As he walked away, my glare faded, and I headed back to my room with a smile on my face.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Anti-Discrimination CASE NOTE Essay

INTRO The Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) aims to ensure equality among society yet it appears the recent amendment specifically allows discrimination.1 This judgement will be assessed on the basis for the appeal application, the judgements and the issues and questions which this case raises. I FACTS GK was a self-employed sex worker. GK periodically stayed at the Drovers Rest Motel at Moranbah for the purposes of sex work. Mrs Hartley, director of Dovedeen Pty Ltd and manager of the motel, denied GK, the respondent, further accommodation because she was aware GK was performing sex work. Mrs Hartley advised her that she would have to stay somewhere else. GK acknowledged that the refusal to accommodate her at Drovers rest was not because of who she was but because of what she was doing. Mr Hartley, also director of Dovedeen Pty Ltd, gave evidence that his understanding was that legally he could not allow people to conduct a business in the motel and under the Liquor Act 1992 (Qld). GK complained of direct discrimination on the basis of her engagement in ‘lawful sexual activity’. A leave for appeal against the Appeal Tribunal’s decision has now been applied for by Dovedeen Pty Ltd and Mrs Hartley proceeding on the 19 March 2013. II JUDGMENTS Fraser JA states that it was an error of law that the Appeal Tribunal held that the prohibition in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 includes ‘the treatment of a person less favourably because he or she carries on lawful sexual activity on †¦ particular premises.’2 The initial trial concluded that any person wishing to carry out such activities as prostitution would be refused accommodation and therefore GK was not treated less favourably than any other who was not a lawfully employed sex worker seeking a room for the same purposes.3 For this reason GK was not the subject of direct discrimination. Upon an internal appeal it was rather found that the conduct of Dovedeen Pty Ltd and Mrs Hartley did in fact violate the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, suggesting that it was incorrect to imply that  the relevant provision in the act was so limited as to mean that a person is only protected if they are treated less favourably where they are not carrying out the activity bu t have the status, character, or reputation of being a sex worker which is such that different treatment of that person is justified.4 The notice of the new Appeal includes six grounds of appeal of which two were found to challenging findings of fact: i) ‘The Tribunal erred in finding that there was no distinction between a person’s status of a lawfully employed sex worker and the engagement of sex work by that sex worker. ii) The Tribunal erred in finding the appropriate comparator was a person who was seeking to use the motel for any lawful purpose’5 III ISSUES ON APPEAL The attribute of ‘lawful sexual activity’ is defined as ‘a person’s status as a lawfully employed sex worker, whether or not self-employed’6 in the Schedule of the Anti-Discrimination Act.7 Between having the status of a sex worker and performing the work of a sex worker, The Court noted, there is a distinction and established that it is the status that is protected in the relevant Act. This definition of status within the Anti-Discrimination Act is deemed applicable except in circumstances where the context would indicate differently. There appears to be no such indication, coupled with the fact that the attributes outlined in Section 7 are central to the operation of the Act. Section 28 is the only other place in the Act where ‘lawful sexual activity’ is used, and refers to an exemption which permits discrimination in work with minors where it is reasonably necessary to take into consideration the whole context and circumstance of the c ase, including the person’s actions.8 Hence, activity is a relevant circumstance rather than the attribute itself. Without the definition being included within the Act, the Act could be interpreted as prohibiting discrimination in the provision of accommodation as a result of the person being engaged in lawful sexual activity on the premises. The inclusion on the Act of the definition prevents such an interpretation, due to the fact that it is only a person’s status as a sex worker that is protected. There are four attributes that involve ‘activity’, namely ‘breastfeeding’, ‘political activity’, ‘trade union activity’ and ‘religious activity’.9 The Court compared the definition  of ‘lawful sexual activity’ with these four, and found that only religious activity is defined in the Act. Such a definition implies that religious activity has categories of activity or non-activity, whereas lawful sexual activity has no such definition and is defined only in the form of ‘status’. Hence, it may be concluded that the attribute cannot be extended beyond ‘status as a lawfully employed sex worker’10 to include the category of activity – the engaging in prostitution on the premises. Thus the Appeal Tribunal erred in this regard. In applying the test in section 10(1)11 one must identify the characteristics relevant in the comparator. The court applied Purvis,12 and state that ‘circumstances that are the same or not materially different’13 include ‘all of the objective features which surround the actual or intended treatment’14 of the claimer. It was viewed that the Tribunal identified the incorrect comparator due to the notion that a person who intends to use a room for purposes of prostitution is not necessarily a person without the attribute15. Additionally the Appeal Tribunal was also viewed as incorrect in the identification of a comparator as an individual who was seeking accommodation for the use of any lawful purpose excluding lawful sexual activity or prostitution. This is due to the disregard that description includes of the activities which were intended to be conducted by GK, therefore the circumstances are not ‘the same or materially different’16 as required in section 10(1)17. The most suitable comparator when applying section 10(1)18 was an individual who was not a lawful sex worker but wanted accommodation for the purpose of conducting a series of separate sexual encounters with different others at various times.19 At this point one must consider then if a sex worker who is less busy or successful would be in a conceptually different position to either the decided comparator or to the Complainant. 20It was the occurrence of prostitution in the motel that was the object of refusal rather than the multiple sexual encounters.21 Therefore should the comparator be determined by ‘reference to the number of sexual encounters expected to be engaged in?’22 Section 8 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 includes the definition of discrimination on the basis of an attribute. An argument was made that  lawful sex work conduct is a characteristic of the attribute in consideration; ‘lawful sexual activity’. This was rejected by the Court and argued that The work done by a person in any remunerative occupation is not properly described as a ‘characteristic’ or typical ‘feature or quality’ of the person’s status as a worker in that occupation; it is simply the activity done by the person to earn remuneration. Section 8 does not extend the reach of the Act in the way for which GK contended.23 There remains the unresolved issue with regards to the interplay between the two Acts – the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 and the Liquor Act 1992. The appeal did not consider this aspect, and both the tribunal in the first instance and the Appeal Tribunal concluded differently. Section 152 of the Liquor Act24 prohibits a business being conducted on licensed premises, other than that authorised specifically by the licence. On the other hand, Sections 82 and 83 of the Anti-Discrimination Act25 prohibits discrimination in the accommodation and pre-accommodation areas of a premise. The tribunal in the first instance identified this as an inconsistency, and referring to the Attril v State of Queensland, upheld the more recent Act (the Liquor Act) in regards to this inconsistency. However, this finding has been overturned by both the Tribunal and the Court of Appeal. The distinction between ‘a business’ and the conduct of ‘a business activity’ was raised, th ereby establishing that Section 152 of the Liquor Act 1992 26was not inconsistent with any section of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 which pertains to the providing of accommodation to a person who may then engage in lawful sexual activity in that place27. Under the QCAT Act, the Tribunal made orders to protect the privacy of GK by use of initials. Orders of this nature do not apply to the proceedings in The Court of Appeal where they have been made by the Tribunal. The Court of Appeal does have power to make these orders however an application must be made. It was assessed in reference to Russell v Russell 28that the nature of the courts and their proceedings are transparent referencing that ‘publicity is the authentic hall-mark of judicial as distinct from administrative procedure.’29 It was noted that despite the majority’s sympathy they would not allow to pass a pseudonym order however the circumstances where the  court may exercise its power to make such an order were not closed30. V OUTCOME Leave to appeal granted, appeal allowed and decisions and orders made by the Appeal Tribunal of QCAT to be set aside. The appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against the decision of QCAT made on 25 Oct. 2011 should be dismissed. Finally, parties are allowed to make submissions as to the costs of proceedings in Court of Appeal and of the appeal to the Appeal Tribunal in the QCAT. Legal reasons for the concluding decisions are that that there were errors in the previous trial which were established The Tribunal identified inconsistency in Section 152 of Liquor Act 31and section 82 and 83 of the Anti-Discrimination Act32 which was overturned with the conclusion that there was no inconsistency. There was error found in the conclusions made in reference to the attribute of ‘lawful sexual activity’ with the establishment that the attribute, in fact, cannot be extended beyond status as a lawfully employed sex worker to include the category of activity. Additionally it was found that the comparator disregard the description used includes of the activities which were intended for the room hired. These facts can be noted as the ratio decidendi. A noteworthy obiter dictum includes the consideration of orders protecting the privacy of GK. Extensive discussion occurred in relation to this issue considering fundamental reasons why courts are designed to be transparent and public and weighing those factors with the implications of publishing of GK’s name for her and her young children. IV IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS It is only legal to engage in sex work in Licensed brothels, which are often unsafe and harmful places, or on your own where accommodation services not only protected your privacy but constitutes a safe environment.33 This case was one that brought lawful sex workers from across the state together to rally for their rights as it is clear this case was not just about GK. There was ample support from individuals and also groups such as the support group Respect Queensland to help GK pay for her legal bills. The decision to allow  appeal and, upon a loss to GK, many in the industry will be affected.34 Furthermore it affects not only those in the industry but the Queensland society and law; ‘It would seem that potentially the decision†¦ or the changes have quite alarmingly entrenched this idea in legislation that it’s okay to discriminate against a particular type of lawful sexual activity.’35 There are now fears that this may push sex workers onto streets in o rder to earn their livelihood. This case sets an important legal precedent. It is the first time Queensland has specified this issue. Before the complaint to the Commissioner, the accommodation industry either looked past the fact individuals were using their rooms for sex work or would make payments for prostitutes to stay away.36 It was found that there were many other cases of similarity waiting for the verdict of this case in order to rely in its precedent value. Following the final hearing of this case, the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) has now been amended to ensure clarity that discrimination on the basis of lawful sexual activity in providing accommodation, complaints will not succeed. VI CONCLUSION A summary analysis would seem to reveal the importance of assessing the intersections between relevant Acts (such as the Liquor Act and the Anti-Discrimination Act) and the contextual interpretation of such concepts as ‘status’ and ‘lawful activity’. The legislation also brings a community and democratic and political dimension to bear. It is clear this case has many implications for the Queensland society. A precedent such as this ‘suggests that anti-discrimination laws have a really long way to go to protect people who are engaging in lawful sexual activity’.37 This case highlights the difficulty in some areas distinguishing between the person and their occupation and the requirements for undertaking their occupation. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Articles/Books/Reports Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Dovedeen Pty Ltd v GK [2013] QCA 116 (2013) Elise Worthington ‘Qld Court rules prostitution was not discriminated against’ (2013) ABC. Melbourne University Law Review Association, Melbourne Journal of International Law; Australian Guide to Legal Citation, 3rd Ed. (2010) Richard Krever, Writig a Case Note, Mastering law studies and law exam techniques, Butterworths, %th ed (2001) pp. 13-22 Richard Krever, amended by Micheal Quinlan, Guide to Reading a case and to preparing a case not (2014) Survive Law, How to write a case note (2010), 2. Cases Dovedeen Pty Ltd & Anor v GK [2013] QCA 116 (2013) (17 may 2013) Dovedeen Pty Ltd & Anor v GK[2013] QCA 194 (19 July 2013) GK v Dovedeen Pty Ltd and Anor [2011] QCAT 441 (22 March 2011) GK v Dovedeen Pty Ltd and Anor (No 2) [2011] QCAT 445 (15 September 2011) GK v Dovedeen Pty Ltd & Anor (No 3) [2011] QCAT 509 (25 October 2011) GK v Dovedeen Pty Ltd and Anor [2012] QCATA 128 (31 July 2012) Lyons v State of Queensland (No 2) [2013] QCAT 731, ( 1 December, 2013) 3. Legislation Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) Liquor Act 1992 (Qld) 4. Other Survive Law, Dovedeen Pty Ltd & Anor v GK [2013] QCA 116 (2013)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Los apellidos hispanos más frecuentes en EE.UU.

Los apellidos hispanos ms frecuentes en EE.UU. En la actualidad, 3  apellidos hispanos estn entre los 10  ms comunes de los Estados Unidos  y 6 entre los 15 ms frecuentes. Este dato no debe sorprender ya que hay ms de 57,5 millones de latinos en el paà ­s, conformando el 17,8 por ciento del total de la poblacià ³n. En este artà ­culo se enumeran cules son los apellidos latinos ms frecuentes, segà ºn datos del Bureau del Censo y, tambià ©n, su significado. A continuacià ³n se lista cules son los 10 ms comunes, sin importar el origen à ©tnico o racial y, finalmente, se incluye informacià ³n relevante sobre derechos de los nià ±os nacidos en Estados Unidos y documentos que sirven para acreditar su ciudadanà ­a. Destacar que para el Bureau del Censo, los tà ©rminos latino e hispano pueden utilizarse como sinà ³nimos y que para esta oficina del gobierno son latinas las personas con procedencia en: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Espaà ±a, Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Honduras, Mà ©xico, Nicaragua, Panam, Paraguay, Perà º, Repà ºblica Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. Adems, para otras agencias del gobierno, los brasileà ±os tambià ©n estarà ­an incluidos en esta categorà ­a. Apellidos hispanos ms frecuentes en Estados Unidos Estos son los 10 apellidos hispanos ms comunes, segà ºn datos del à ºltimo censo de 2010, en orden de frecuencia empezando con el ms numeroso, con especificacià ³n entre parà ©ntesis del nà ºmero que ocupa entre los 15 ms frecuentes del censo total, que incluye toda clase de apellidos. Garcà ­a (6) Rodrà ­guez (9) Martà ­nez (10)Hernndez (11)Là ³pez (12)Gonzlez (13) Adems, se encuentran entre los 100 ms comunes: Pà ©rez Snchez Ramà ­rezTorres Flores Rivera Gà ³mez Dà ­az Reyes Cruz Morales Ortiz Gutià ©rrez Significado de Garcà ­a y Rodrà ­guez y otros apellidos hispanos   Garcà ­a es el apellido latino ms frecuente en USA. Se le atribuyen diversos orà ­genes y significados. Una de las interpretaciones ms aceptadas es que originalmente pudo significar oso. Lo que sà ­ es seguro es que ya aparecà ­a por escrito en documentos de finales del siglo VIII en lo que hoy es la provincia espaà ±ola de Navarra. En la actualidad es el apellido ms frecuente en Espaà ±a y es tambià ©n muy frecuente en Latinoamà ©rica. En concreto, en Mà ©xico es el tercero ms comà ºn despuà ©s de Hernndez y Là ³pez.   En cuanto a Rodrà ­guez, su origen se encuentra en el reino medieval de Leà ³n y significa hijo de Rodrigo. En Espaà ±a es el tercer apellido ms comà ºn, mientras que en Colombia ocupa el lugar nà ºmero dos, despuà ©s de Gonzlez. En Argentina, Chile, Mà ©xico y Venezuela es, tambià ©n, muy frecuente y en Repà ºblica Dominicana es el ms comà ºn. Martà ­nez tiene tambià ©n un origen medieval en Espaà ±a, pero se le atribuyen distintos puntos de origen. Significa hijo de Martà ­n. Las familias que lo llevan, al igual que ocurre con los apellidos que acaban en -ez, no tienen un origen comà ºn, aunque provienen del antiguo reino de Castilla. Hernndez sigue la misma dinmica que los apellidos anteriores, y significa hijo de Hernando.  Por su parte, Là ³pez significa hijo de Lope, un nombre que antiguamente era comà ºn y procede de la palabra latina Lupus, que significa lobo. Gonzlez y su variacià ³n Gonzales significan hijo de Gonzalo, un nombre muy frecuente en la à ©poca medieval en Espaà ±a. Pà ©rez quiere decir hijo de Pedro o de Pero. Esta à ºltima es la versià ³n aragonesa del mismo nombre. Por su parte Snchez significa hijo de Sancho. En su origen era muy comà ºn en los territorios que hoy son las provincias espaà ±olas de Cceres y Salamanca. Y Ramà ­rez significa hijo de Ramiro. Finalmente, Torres, el à ºltimo apellido hispano que se coloca entre los 50 ms frecuentes de Estados Unidos, tiene un origen distinto. Es decir, no significa hijo de, sino que est asociado con un lugar con torres. Este apellido en su origen est relacionado con poder. Cà ³mo es que hay tantos apellidos hispanos en Estados Unidos Sucesivos flujos migratorios a lo largo de la historia han cambiando notablemente la composicià ³n racial y à ©tnica de los Estados Unidos. En el caso de los hispanos, destacar que siempre ha habido presencia de latinos. Por ejemplo, Saint Augustine, en Florida, es la ciudad con ocupacià ³n continuada ms antigua en EE.UU. y es de origen espaà ±ol.   Adems, la poblacià ³n de origen latino aumentà ³ significativamente despuà ©s de la anexià ³n de Texas en 1845, la ganancia de los territorios del suroeste americano y California tras la guerra entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos de 1846-1848 y la toma de posesià ³n de Puerto Rico en 1898. Pero lo que est detrs del espectacular crecimiento en nà ºmeros de latinos en las à ºltimas dà ©cadas es el aumento de la inmigracià ³n procedente de Latinoamà ©rica que ha convertido a  los hispanos en la primera minorà ­a del paà ­s, superando a los  afroamericanos. Muchos de los latinos son nuevos inmigrantes que adquirieron primero el permiso de residencia por peticià ³n de un familiar, pero en la actualidad incluso ms son latinos que son  estadounidenses de nacimiento al haber nacido en los Estados Unidos que emigrantes En los casos de personas nacidas en el paà ­s, es importante obtener cuanto antes el certificado de nacimiento. Si bien es cierto que en en algunos condados, como sucede en el sur de Texas, los padres indocumentados estn teniendo muchos problemas para obtener este documento de sus hijos para acreditar la ciudadanà ­a del menor. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que tambià ©n pueden surgir problemas en casos de bebà ©s nacidos aquà ­ cuando los paps tienen visas de turista. Pero el censo refleja un gran aumento en apellidos latinos no sà ³lo por esos dos motivos –inmigracià ³n y nacimientos– sino tambià ©n porque a diferencia de lo que era comà ºn en à ©pocas pasadas, los inmigrantes actuales prefieren conservar sus nombres y apellidos y no hacerlos anglosajones. Esto era comà ºn en todos los grupos de inmigrantes para intentar evitar discriminacià ³n y demostrar asimilacià ³n al nuevo paà ­s, pero en la actualidad es algo infrecuente Los 10apellidos ms comunes en Estados Unidos Para las personas interesadas, esta es la lista de los apellidos ms comunes, sean latinos o no, segà ºn datos del à ºltimo censo, que es el de 2010 porque en Estados Unidos se actualiza sà ³lo cada 10 aà ±os. Hay listados diferentes pero en este artà ­culo se ha utilizado ese listado oficial: SmithJohnsonWilliamsBrownJonesGarcà ­aMillerDavisRodrà ­guezMartà ­nez Curiosidades sobre latinos en Estados Unidos Es muy interesante conocer estas  7 aportaciones de los hispanos a la cultura estadounidense  o estas 10 curiosidades que pueden sorprender y entretener. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Get Book Reviews 5 Unorthodox Tips

How to Get Book Reviews 5 Unorthodox Tips Going Viral: 5 New Opportunities to Get Book Reviews Last updated: 07/12/2017Dana Kaye is a Reedsy book publicist and author. Known for her innovative ideas and knowledge of current trends, she frequently speaks on the topics of social media, branding, and publishing trends. In this post, she shares her top 5 tips for getting book reviews.In the past ten years, the publishing landscape has changed dramatically, and that includes book coverage. Gone are the days when every local newspaper has a thick Sunday Arts section with at least four pages dedicated to book reviews and features. Long-form book reviews are being replaced by Instagram photos of books placed strategically among a wool blanket and steaming cup of coffee or a YouTube celebrity sharing the haul from her latest bookstore visit.   While the decline of newspapers may make it seem like books coverage is disappearing, there are more outlets than ever to get your book reviewed.Besides these options, you can also submit your book to Reedsy Discovery for review and exposure to thousands of readers!1. Book Review BloggersUnlike newspapers, which have to consider space constraints and an editorial staff, book bloggers have full control over the books they cover and the format of their reviews. Thousands of bloggers regularly review books, in addition to hosting giveaways and author interviews.Today @epicreads sent me a *gorgeous* finished copy of The Thousandth Floor!! There's been a lot of buzz around this book recently, and since it comes out this Tuesday I might start it tonight and let you guys know what I think😄💙ðŸ“â€" | #bookstagram #books #read #reading #thethousandthfloor

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Origin and evolution of peralkaline rhyolite Research Paper

Origin and evolution of peralkaline rhyolite - Research Paper Example Rhyolites in most cases are porphyritic, glassy groundmass or fine-grained. Often, it is not easy to recognize rhyolites without doing a chemical analysis because they have a glassy groundmass nature. Most rhyolites principally consist of glass, and are referred to as obsidian or are partly devitrified and are called pitchstones. In addition, most are lined because of the small disparities in composition of the glass, thereby resulting to differences in crystallites content. Alkali rhyolites are considered alkali feldspars if their content is >90% feldspars. They are peralkaline and in most instances contain alkali pyroxenes and/or amphiboles. The alkali rhyolites can either be pantellerite or commendite, and peralkaline rhyolites are grouped under pantellerite. Peralkaline rhyolites are mostly widespread in continental rift settings. They contain alkali quartz and feldspar as their key phenocryst phase. Peralkaline rhyolites are distinguished from metaluminous rhyolites because of the presence of amphiboles and sodic pyroxenes in them. They may at times be found in oceanic island settings. In addition, they are commonly associated with, trachytes, hawaiites, mugearites, and basalts that are slightly alkaline and silica-saturated. Additionally, peralkaline rhyolites have high iron levels and low aluminum levels compared to comendite like the peralkaline igneous rock. An example of peralkaline rhyolite is the Pantelleria, which is usually found occurring as a vitrophyre that comprises phenocrysts of sanidine or anorthoclase. Furthermore, quartz  occurs in peralkaline rocks that are strong. Mafic minerals can include aenigmatite, aegirine, ilmenite, fayalite, and sodic amphibole (normally ferrorichterite or arfvedsonite) (Ray, Gautam, and B iswajit, p.47). White et al. (p.133) asserts that often, the formation of peralkaline magmas comes as a result of the sodium-rich clinopyroxene (i.e., aegirine and